Welcome to Norventure

The Norventure consulting company has its main office in Santiago, Chile, and was founded with the mission of assisting companies that want to enter the South American market. By building on its local knowledge and a network of highly skilled professionals, Norventure can deliver a variety of services adapted to the needs of the clients.

Norventure has today several highly skilled professionals connected to the company with expertise in the area of business management, corporate law, accounting, HR management, real estate and graphical design. These professionals all represent areas that are vital for companies that want to establish new activities. By combining our expertise in these areas, Norventure can deliver complete services; E.g. by combining our expertise in  real estate and  law, Norventure can both search for real estates (e.g. offices) and assist in the contractual process for rental or purchase of properties.

In areas where Norventure do not have complete or direct expertise, we will contract someone (person or company) that can complete the service. This can for instance be in the area of executive recruitment where we will hire a recruitment company (i.e. "head hunter") for searching the market of candidates.

It is Norventure's goal to be trusted and have direct and honest communication with is clients. As its services have great importance and value for its clients, it is important to be looked upon as a reliable partner that operates in the interest of the client.


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Completed delivery to the British transport consultancy company Steer Davies Gleave (SDG). The delivery consisted of two HR Management studies for a company with more than 3.500 employees in Chile:
  1. Incentive plan for
  2. Salary level plan
      for the company.